Optor hardware manufacturer website
The Optor brand is a newcomer to the market for UPS manufacturers who enter the business with a wide range of products for the medium and professional user segments.
With the distribution expansion in Europe, the company needed a modern website, which, first of all, would become an image element, as well as a powerful tool for product promotion.

Grayscale and the selected for this project Stratos font are indirect references to the command line interface, which univocally identify the website with IT industry.

A thought-through mobile look of the website is a guarantee of successful achievement of the goals set for the project, as well as one of the parameters to be ranked high in the Google and Yandex search results.
The brand is planning to launch other products besides UPS, therefore we have made the catalog scalable — our client will not need help from developers with introducing new products.

Distribution network
It was very important for a beginner manufacturer of UPS hardware that any visitor could in a matter of seconds determine the nearest place where to purchase brand products.
A large map with sale points should not be hidden here, on the contrary, it is an important selling tool that is deliberately placed at the very top of the page.
A large map with sale points should not be hidden here, on the contrary, it is an important selling tool that is deliberately placed at the very top of the page.