ELKO Group website
ELKO Group is one of the largest wholesale distributors of the IT products, solutions and electronics in Eastern Europe, and it is rapidly expanding in the Central Asia market.

Our goal was to create websites for the company, as well as its representative offices in 10 countries.

New look
After almost 25 year of service, the company decided to adjust the direction of further development and become more open to its partners.
It was decided to update the logo and style of the company.
It was decided to update the logo and style of the company.

As the company became more open, it was decided that the employees themselves would declare this. We have prepared guidelines for a photoshoot and processing of their photos, which were sent to all offices of the company.

Key pages are built on the principle of landing pages, block after block explaining each of the directions of the company's services.

A set of icons was drawn in the website's style.

Key indicators
Since ELKO Group is a joint-stock company, we have separately worked out a page for investors, where anyone can get acquainted with the key indicators of the company in recent years, financial news, as well as the calendar of planned financial events.

Press kit
For an easy access to information about updates in the ELKO Group, we have developed a separate page with links to key news, logos, management photos, events, etc.